Daily Archives: February 9, 2014

Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group” campaign is scheduled for a hearing in the U.S. Congress in the beginning of March.


Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group” campaign is scheduled for a hearing in the U.S. Congress in the beginning of March.

Egyptian rights organizations are making its efforts to collect data and evidences about MB’s violence acts in Egypt,

The rights organizations will attend a hearing session of the U.S. Congress in March to submit the official documents demanding Congress members pressure the American Administration to make “serious decisions” against the Brotherhood which still trying to impact decisions of the White House by Obama administration


During the hearing session, Brotherhood “terrorism” and threats will be discussed and documents will be presented as evidence for Brotherhood involvement in supporting “terrorist” groups like al-Qaeda, to be classified as a terrorist organization globally,

Muslim Brotherhood raising al Qaeda flags in central Cairo

Muslim Brotherhood raising al Qaeda flags in central Cairo

The formerly ruling party has had a rapid fall in Egypt; following the July 3 ouster of Mohamed Morsi, many high-ranking members of the party were arrested on charges of inciting violence and killing protesters.

The group was officially dissolved in October 2013, with the government authorized to seize its assets, and was designated as a terrorism organization by the Egyptian government on Dec. 25, 2013.

رئيس وزراء ليبيا السابق محمود جبريل : هناك من يخطط لاستعادة مصر من طريق ليبيا

Hillary Clinton with Mahmoud Jibril - archive photo

Hillary Clinton with Mahmoud Jibril – archive photo

بيروت – قال رئيس الحكومة الليبية السابق زعيم “تحالف القوى الوطنية” محمود جبريل، إن “ليبيا اليوم خطرة على نفسها وعلى جيرانها”، لافتاً إلى أن استمرار المنزلق الحالي “يهدد وحدتها وسيادتها واقتصادها ويدفعها إلى التحول مشكلة أمن قومي للدول المجاورة”. وحذر من “أن هناك من يخطط لاستعادة مصر عن طريق ليبيا”، لافتاً إلى تقارير تتحدث “عن تهريب الرجال والمال والسلاح” إلى داخل مصر. وكان جبريل يتحدث إلى “الحياة اللندنيه” لمناسبة اقتراب الذكرى الثالثة للثورة الليبية التي تصادف 17 من الشهر الجاري. وتنشر “الحياة” الحديث على حلقات بدءاً من اليوم

قال جبريل إن السياسة الأميركية اتسمت بازدواجية المعايير في التعامل مع الثورة، وإن برنامجها الحقيقي كان دعم وصول “الإخوان” في مصر وليبيا وتونس على أمل أن يؤدي ذلك إلى “احتواء الإرهاب والإرهابيين”. وأضاف أن تنفيذ البرنامج تم برعاية وكيلين إقليميين هما قطر وتركيا. واعتبر أن نجاح المصريين بقيادة المشير عبد الفتاح السيسي في إطاحة حكم الرئيس السابق محمد مرسي وجَّه ضربة إلى “البرنامج الأميركي” ودفع واشنطن إلى إعادة تقويم توجهاتها

وكشف أن الرئيس السابق لـ “المجلس العسكري” في مصر المشير محمد حسين طنطاوي تذرّع في لقاء بينهما، بالخوف على الجالية المصرية لتبرير الموقف المتحفظ الذي اتخذه المجلس حيال الثورة الليبية. ولفت إلى أن الجزائر اتخذت بدورها موقفاً متحفظاً، في حين اتخذت سورية موقفاً داعماً لنظام معمر القذافي

وقال إن انسحاب مصر والجزائر أعطى الفرصة للدول الداعمة تيار الإسلام السياسي للتأثير في مسار الأحداث، وهو ما أدى إلى الانحراف الذي نشهد اليوم تجلياته

واعترف جبريل بأن قطر ساعدت الثورة الليبية لكنه لاحظ أنها عملت منذ البداية في خطين متوازيين، وأن تيار الإسلام السياسي كان حليفها الأول. وروى سلسلة من الوقائع تؤكد في نظره أن الدوحة سعت منذ البداية إلى تنصيب عبد الحكيم بلحاج (الأمير السابق للجماعة الإسلامية المقاتلة) قائداً لثوار ليبيا، وأن الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني أمير قطر السابق، عارض علناً جمع السلاح من أيدي الثوار

وكشف جبريل أن الرئيس الفرنسي السابق نيكولا ساركوزي استدعاه على عجل بعدما طالت المواجهات العسكرية، للنظر في مشروع حمله بشير صالح مدير مكتب القذافي، وأن رئيس الوزراء القطري السابق الشيخ حمد بن جاسم آل ثاني شجعه أيضاًً على النظر فيه. وينص المشروع على تنحي القذافي، على أن يقيم في ليبيا تحت حراسة فرنسية، وأن يتولى جبريل الرئاسة لأربع سنوات يسمح بعدها لسيف الإسلام نجل القذافي بالترشح للرئاسة. وأكد جبريل أنه رفض المشروع بعد التشاور مع زملائه

وقال جبريل إن هيمنة السلاح أدت إلى حرف مسار الثورة وإطاحة نتائج الانتخابات النيابية كما أدت إلى إقرار قانون العزل الذي تسبب في إقصاء الدولة لا النظام. ولفت إلى أن وجود 21 مليون قطعة سلاح في البلاد وتزايد الاغتيالات والتفجيرات ينذر بإغراق ليبيا في صراعات جهوية وقبلية مدمرة. وتساءل كيف تمكن آلاف المسلحين الأجانب من دخول الأراضي الليبية في وقت كانت الدول الكبرى تراقب حدود هذا البلد


AL Quds.

Richard Russell – Collapse To Be Brutal As US Lies To Its People

With continued chaos and uncertainty in global markets, today KWN is publishing an incredibly powerful piece that was written by a 60-year market veteran.  The Godfather of newsletter writers, Richard Russell, is warning that the coming collapse will be brutal, and he also accused the US government and the Fed of lying to US citizens.

Russell: “Old timers remember the terrible Dust Bowl of the 1930s.  Now we have the “Dry Bowl” of the 2000s.  The West is now suffering from the longest period of no rain and aridity in memory.  It’s going to drive up the price of all agriculturals.  For years I’ve been telling fellow San Diegans to plant cacti instead of grass.  These people used to laugh at me.  They no longer laugh.

Since infancy I’ve always been ultra-sensitive to danger.  For this reason I have never been caught in a primary bear market — my sensitivity to impending danger (and Dow Theory) has always saved me and my subscribers.  But this time my unconscious fear is unrelenting, and it won’t leave me alone.

Finally, I’ve admitted it to myself.  I’m afraid we’re in a primary bear market in the economy and the stock market.  I believe it’s going to be an absolute “brute.”  And I’m afraid of what might lie ahead.

And the worst of it is that we’re being deliberately lied to by the Fed and by our government.  The markets (which normally tell us the truth) are being controlled and manipulated by the government and the Federal Reserve.

Ben Bernanke is reputed to be an “expert” on the Great Depression of the 1930s.  I don’t know about his expertise regarding the Depression, but I’m damn sure Bernanke doesn’t understand markets.

I’ve asked myself why Bernanke got himself into this predicament?  I believe his problem is that he studied the Great Depression strictly from the standpoint of economics and the Fed’s role in the Depression.  But Bernanke never studied nor understood the role of the stock market during the 1930s.

I had the fortunate experience of studying the events of the 1930s under the tutelage of the great Dow Theory genius, E. George Schaefer.  George understood the power and essence of the primary trend more thoroughly than any analyst I have ever known.  I consider a thorough knowledge and understanding of the primary trend the single most important and least understood area of stock market analysis.

I sincerely doubt whether Yellen will realize that we are now in a resumption of the primary bear market that started in 2000.  I liken the whole current picture to a ship that has sprung a terrible leak and the captain is waving an empty bottle while singing, “Happy days are here again.”

Ironically and tragically, Bernanke continues to believe that his Fed stimulus will render the US economy so healthy that by the end of this year, Fed stimulus will no longer be needed.  Bernanke’s reign at the Fed is over, and the job now falls to Janet Yellen.  I doubt if Yellen’s knowledge of markets is any better than Bernanke’s.  If so, I wish her well, but I don’t envy her.  As the situation becomes progressively more bearish, my best guess is that Yellen will continue to fight the primary bear trend with all the ammunition at the Fed’s command.”

Russell added: “Tuesday’s weak action was a continuation of the “dead cat bounce” correction of the recent crash.  Although the Dow ended weakly, losing about five points, it seems to me the Transports, down 59 points as I write, are leading the way for this market.  GLD and CEF closed a bit higher.  And Treasuries closed lower, pushing rates higher.  I’ll remind subscribers that the economy continues to slide in this bear market, regardless of minor stock fluctuations.

Interestingly, big box retailers are losing their middle class buyers, and it’s only the wealthy that are brightening their favorite retail stores, such as Tiffany and Nordstrom.  The battered middle class are frequenting their favorite discounters, leaving their previous favorites such as Target, JC Penney and Best Buy wondering why their same store sales are fading.  Again I advise subscribers to stay on the side and watch history unfold.”

King World News note:  With all of the chaos and radical events that are taking place around the world, these are the moments when living legends such as Richard Russell are needed the most.  He has been writing about these markets for over 60 years.  Recently his warnings have intensified.  I take that as a sign that he is right and the coming tribulation will be one for the history books.  KWN readers need to get prepared while there is still time

Richard Russell – Collapse To Be Brutal As US Lies To Its People – Sound Money Institute.

Russia Wins First Medal of Games in Speed Skating

SOCHI, Russia — Ireen Wuest gave the Netherlands its second straight gold medal at the Olympic speed skating oval by winning the women’s 3000m Sunday.

Skating in the next-to-last pairing, Wuest turned in a time of 4 minutes, 0.34 seconds to knock off defending Olympic champion Martina Sablikova of the Czech Republic.

Sablikova settled for the silver in 4:01.95, clapping for her rival after Wuest crossed the line.


The bronze went to Olga Graf, who gave Russia its first medal of the Winter Games in 4:03.47 and sent the crowd at Adler Arena into a frenzy.

Six-time Olympian Claudia Pechstein was looking to win her 10th Olympic medal, but the 41-year-old German faded badly over the final laps and didn’t even make the podium. She was fourth in 4:05.26.

The king and queen of the Netherlands were again in the crowd, just as they were the day before when Sven Kramer took gold in the first speedskating event of the games, the mens 5000m. The royal couple saw another winning performance by their speed skating-mad nation.

The Dutch have now won 29 Olympic golds, pulling even with the United States for the most victories in the sport.

Wuest kept holding up three fingers — the nails painted red, white and blue to symbolize the Dutch flag — after taking the third gold medal of her Olympic career. She even went sliding on her rear to celebrate, the only time she stumbled all day.

The other two medalists also celebrated. Sablikova, who won gold in both the 3,000 and 5,000 at the Vancouver Games, didn’t seem to mind giving back one of her titles to Wuest. The Dutch skater took gold in the 3000 at the 2006 Torino Games, Sablikova claimed the victory four years ago, and now it’s Wuest on top again.

But no one was more thrilled than Graf, who glided around the rink on one skate like she was flying and nearly had an embarrassing moment when she began unzipping her skin-tight suit in the ecstasy of the moment — then zipped it back up quickly when she realized there was nothing on underneath.

Jilleanne Rookard of Woodhaven, Mich., who skated in the pairing with Graf, was the highest-finishing American. She took 10th out of 28 skaters in 4:10.02.

SOCHI, Russia — Ireen Wuest gave the Netherlands its second straight gold medal at the Olympic speed skating oval by winning the women’s 3000m Sunday.

Skating in the next-to-last pairing, Wuest turned in a time of 4 minutes, 0.34 seconds to knock off defending Olympic champion Martina Sablikova of the Czech Republic.

Sablikova settled for the silver in 4:01.95, clapping for her rival after Wuest crossed the line.


The bronze went to Olga Graf, who gave Russia its first medal of the Winter Games in 4:03.47 and sent the crowd at Adler Arena into a frenzy.

Six-time Olympian Claudia Pechstein was looking to win her 10th Olympic medal, but the 41-year-old German faded badly over the final laps and didn’t even make the podium. She was fourth in 4:05.26.

The king and queen of the Netherlands were again in the crowd, just as they were the day before when Sven Kramer took gold in the first speedskating event of the games, the mens 5000m. The royal couple saw another winning performance by their speed skating-mad nation.

The Dutch have now won 29 Olympic golds, pulling even with the United States for the most victories in the sport.

– See more at: http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/ireen-wuest-wins-3000m-russia-wins-first-medal-games?ctx=golden-moments#sthash.85QrhGcP.dpuf

SOCHI, Russia — Ireen Wuest gave the Netherlands its second straight gold medal at the Olympic speed skating oval by winning the women’s 3000m Sunday.

Skating in the next-to-last pairing, Wuest turned in a time of 4 minutes, 0.34 seconds to knock off defending Olympic champion Martina Sablikova of the Czech Republic.

Sablikova settled for the silver in 4:01.95, clapping for her rival after Wuest crossed the line.


The bronze went to Olga Graf, who gave Russia its first medal of the Winter Games in 4:03.47 and sent the crowd at Adler Arena into a frenzy.

Six-time Olympian Claudia Pechstein was looking to win her 10th Olympic medal, but the 41-year-old German faded badly over the final laps and didn’t even make the podium. She was fourth in 4:05.26.

The king and queen of the Netherlands were again in the crowd, just as they were the day before when Sven Kramer took gold in the first speedskating event of the games, the mens 5000m. The royal couple saw another winning performance by their speed skating-mad nation.

The Dutch have now won 29 Olympic golds, pulling even with the United States for the most victories in the sport.

– See more at: http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/ireen-wuest-wins-3000m-russia-wins-first-medal-games?ctx=golden-moments#sthash.85QrhGcP.dpuf

SOCHI, Russia — Ireen Wuest gave the Netherlands its second straight gold medal at the Olympic speed skating oval by winning the women’s 3000m Sunday.

Skating in the next-to-last pairing, Wuest turned in a time of 4 minutes, 0.34 seconds to knock off defending Olympic champion Martina Sablikova of the Czech Republic.

Sablikova settled for the silver in 4:01.95, clapping for her rival after Wuest crossed the line.


The bronze went to Olga Graf, who gave Russia its first medal of the Winter Games in 4:03.47 and sent the crowd at Adler Arena into a frenzy.

Six-time Olympian Claudia Pechstein was looking to win her 10th Olympic medal, but the 41-year-old German faded badly over the final laps and didn’t even make the podium. She was fourth in 4:05.26.

The king and queen of the Netherlands were again in the crowd, just as they were the day before when Sven Kramer took gold in the first speedskating event of the games, the mens 5000m. The royal couple saw another winning performance by their speed skating-mad nation.

The Dutch have now won 29 Olympic golds, pulling even with the United States for the most victories in the sport.

– See more at: http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/ireen-wuest-wins-3000m-russia-wins-first-medal-games?ctx=golden-moments#sthash.85QrhGcP.dpuf

| NBC Olympics.

‘Boulder from sky’ hits train, kills two in French Alps

A derailed train after it was smashed by a boulder, outside the French town of Annot, southeastern France.

A derailed train after it was smashed by a boulder, outside the French town of Annot, southeastern France.

TWO women were killed when a massive falling boulder hit a passing train in the French Alps yesterday, leaving a carriage dangling off a steep, snow-covered embankment.

Eight people were hurt in the accident, which took place as the train travelled from the coastal city of Nice to the popular tourist town of Digne-les-Bains along a narrow, winding and steep track.

A 49-year-old Russian died along with an 82-year-old Frenchwoman from the Alps region, said local prosecutor Stephane Kellenberger, adding that 34 people had been on board.

The Russian woman’s husband, in deep shock, was among at least eight people injured.

Witnesses said an enormous boulder struck the train, forcing one of its two carriages off the track.

Images of the accident show the carriage hanging off the edge of a ravine, with a large crater in its side as the other carriage teeters on the edge.

“It was as if the boulder fell from the sky, like in an earthquake,” said traveller Jean-Jacques Messaoud, 47.

Floriane Bonnet was at the back of the train when the accident happened. “I didn’t understand: I was thrown to the left and I saw the first half of the train go down the embankment,” she said. “I tried to break a window but couldn’t manage it so I left through the front.”

Firefighters were drafted in to help in the rescue operation in a remote and mountainous area difficult to access due to the snow and steep slope. A total of 110 firefighters and 32 vehicles were deployed, as well as two helicopters.

The Train des Pignes (Pine Cone Train), is hugely popular among tourists, taking them on a picturesque 151km journey from the sea to the mountains of Haute-Provence.

More than 100 years old, the railway crosses 30 bridges and viaducts and 25 tunnels through valleys and gorges on an often hair-raising journey at up to 1000m above sea level. The train used for the line was put in service in 2011, according to a local transport official.

The train’s name is said to come from the fact that it was so slow it allowed travellers to get off and pick up pine cones from the side of the tracks.

Others believe it was so named because pine cones were used as tinder to fire up the original steam engine when the line was opened in 1911.

‘Boulder from sky’ hits train, kills two in French Alps | The Australian.

Egypt : Muslim Brotherhood formed ‘military wing’

Egypt’s Interior Ministry spokesman Gen. Hani Abdel-Latif

Egypt’s Interior Ministry spokesman Gen. Hani Abdel-Latif

Egypt’s Interior Ministry has accused the ousted president’s Muslim Brotherhood group of forming a military wing to stage attacks on the security forces.

In a televised statement, the ministry spokesman Hani Abdel-Latif named 12 people he said belonged to the alleged military wing. He said five were arrested and aired what he said was one of their confessions.

He said the group, headed by the Brotherhood province’s leader, killed five policemen in a drive-by shooting last month in the southern province of Beni Suef.

The Muslim Brotherhood group has been branded as a “terrorist” organization after a series of bombings that rocked the country since the ouster of Mohammed Morsi in a military coup in July. An al-Qaida-inspired group claimed responsibility for most of the attacks.

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood formed ‘military wing’ – SFGate.

Report: Iran sending warships toward U.S. maritime borders

Washington (CNN) — A senior Iranian naval official said Iran is sending warships toward U.S. maritime borders to send a message — a move a U.S. defense official characterized as an announcement, not a deployment.

“Iran’s military fleet is approaching the United States’ maritime borders, and this move has a message,” Adm. Afshin Rezayee Haddad said, the semiofficial Fars news agency reported Saturday.

The plan, according to Fars, is a response to the United States beefing up its naval presence in the Persian Gulf. The U.S. 5th Fleet is based in Bahrain.

Haddad said the Iranian fleet was approaching the Atlantic Ocean “via the waters near South Africa,” a claim that has not been confirmed.

A U.S. military official told CNN there was no operational information to support the claim.

“They do send some ships from time to time to the Gulf of Aden for unilateral counter piracy operations. In theory, a couple of ships could go there and then off south down towards the cape,” the official said.

“Announcement not deployment”

It’s not the first time Iran has made such a threat, a U.S. defense official said.

“It’s important to understand that, at this point, we have an announcement not a deployment. They’ve stated this aspiration before,” said the defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

In 2011, Iran twice announced plans to send ships toward the U.S. maritime borders.

“Freedom of the seas doesn’t just apply to fish. It applies to all maritime nations, all navies, everywhere — so long as they understand the responsibilities which come with that freedom,” the defense official said.

“So if they chose to send their ships to the Atlantic, I’m sure they won’t be surprised to find many, many others already there.”

The Iranian navy is the smallest of its military forces, according to GlobalSecurity.org, which tracks defense and intelligence issues.

Report: Iran sending warships toward U.S. maritime borders – CNN.com.

Istanbul – La police disperse une manifestation contre le contrôle d’Internet


À Istanbul, la police anti-émeute a dispersé samedi des centaines de manifestants venus protester contre une loi contrôlant Internet. Adoptée par le Parlement, cette législation est vue comme une nouvelle preuve de l’autoritarisme du gouvernement.

La police turque a dispersé, samedi 8 février à Istanbul, des centaines de manifestants qui protestaient, aux cris de “Ne touche pas à mon Internet”, contre les nouvelles mesures renforçant le contrôle de l’État sur le Web. Utilisant gaz lacrymogènes et véhicules blindés équipés de canons à eau, les policiers anti-émeute ont avancé sur la longue avenue Istiklal (“Indépendance”), qui conduit à la place Taksim, emblématique de la fronde anti-gouvernementale de juin dernier, pour refouler les manifestants, dont le nombre dépassait les 2 000 selon l’AFP.

Ces derniers ont lancé des pierres et des pétards sur les forces de l’ordre avant de s’égailler dans les petites rues voisines. “Partout la corruption !”, scandaient certains manifestants.

Une colère attisée par la série d’amendements adoptée mercredi soir par le Parlement turc. Cette législation, qui doit encore être approuvée par le président Abdullah Gül, donne la permission à l’Autorité des télécommunications (TIB) de bloquer l’accès à une page dans un délai de quatre heures sans injonction judiciaire. Elle autorise également la TIB à requérir, auprès des fournisseurs d’accès, toute information sur les sites visités par un internaute et les conserver deux ans.

“L’une des dernières libertés qu’il nous reste, c’est Internet”

“Le fait que le gouvernement mette son nez dans les dossiers des internautes, c’est comme s’il mettait son nez dans notre vie privée”, a réagi Gamze, étudiante et manifestante. Burak, un jeune manifestant, a pour sa part fustigé l’autoritarisme croissant du régime du Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan aux rênes de la Turquie depuis 2002 : “L’une des dernières libertés qu’il nous reste c’est Internet, voilà ce qu’ils veulent restreindre”.

Le gouvernement de l’AKP (parti islamo-conservateur) est éclaboussé depuis décembre par une vaste affaire de corruption, qui est le fruit, selon lui, d’une conspiration de l’appareil judiciaire et policier.

Ukraine leader faces fresh protests after Putin talks

KIEV: Anti-government protestors in Ukraine readied for fresh mass demonstrations on Sunday after embattled President Viktor Yanukovych jetted back to protest-hit Kiev following private talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

The late Friday tete-a-tete on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Russia’s Black Sea resort of Sochi came amid intensifying pressure from the opposition on Yanukovych to cede some of his broad powers and appoint a new pro-Western government.

Neither Russian nor Ukrainian officials disclosed the details of the two leaders’ conversation except to say that it was brief and held at Sochi’s Fisht stadium where the Games’ opening ceremony was held.

“There was no official bilateral meeting. That was not a part of (the president’s) programme,” a Ukrainian administration spokesman said by telephone.

Yanukovych had been expected to discuss with Putin the fate of a US$15 billion Russian bailout whose delivery has been effectively frozen pending the formation of a new government.

The ex-Soviet nation of 46 million was thrown into its worst crisis since independence in November when Yanukovych ditched an historic European Union (EU) pact under Russian pressure in a stunning reversal that sparked deadly protests.

The sustained demonstrations that followed have since then played out as a titanic struggle for the country’s future between Russia and the West.

Sunday’s protest is set to start at midday local time (10:00 GMT) on Kiev’s Independence Square with prayers from religious leaders backing the demonstrations.


peaceful protests .. only molotov ,sprays in the eyes of soldiers

Yanukovych must now decide whether to submit to protesters’ demands by taking a more conciliatory approach toward a new agreement with the European Union – a possibility that prompted Russia to suspend its loan after issuing just one instalment of US$3 billion in December.

But Ukraine’s tattered economy is in ever-growing need of assistance amid sliding domestic production and dwindling foreign reserves.

Moscow is already demanding the repayment of a US$3.3 billion debt that Ukraine has piled up since last year for Russian natural gas imports on which the country’s industries and households depend.

Putin’s bailout would slash the future price of Russian gas imports by a third – a huge relief for the economy that analysts believe should help revive stalled growth.

But Russian Economy Minister Anton Siluanov warned on Saturday that Moscow would need at least a partial down payment on the outstanding gas bill before the terms of its Ukrainian package are restored.

“We are waiting for the Ukrainian side to meet its gas payment obligations,” Interfax quoted him as saying in Sochi.

The protracted crisis has seen Ukraine’s borrowing costs spike and the currency lose nearly 10 percent of its value as frightened consumers rush to stock up on dollars and euros.

Several banks have reported hard currency shortages and the central bank on Friday was forced to impose capital controls and move the Ukrainian hryvnia’s official rate to 8.7 from 7.9 per dollar – its first shift of the peg since July 2012.

The global ratings agency Fitch became the latest to downgrade Ukraine’s standing on Friday when it moved its long-term foreign currency debt just one step above default.

Leading Ukrainian lawmakers are expected to meet on Monday to discuss opposition proposals to slash presidential powers and return to a constitution the country had until 2010 that granted extended powers to parliament.

Yanukovych has signalled that he welcomes a discussion of the changes without committing himself to the reform.

Constitutional changes granting lawmakers the power to approve the appointment of all ministers and security chiefs are expected to be delayed until September due to stalling tactics by ruling party members.

The simmering tensions in Kiev – expected to continue on Sunday with plans for another huge demonstration on the capital’s iconic Independence Square – have spilled over into verbal jousting between the European Union and Washington.

One leaked conversation that made a splash on Thursday showed Washington’s European envoy Victoria Nuland using the f-word in a private conversation to disparage EU leaders’ handling of the crisis.

U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland offers food toprotests as she and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, left, walk through Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013.

U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland offers food toprotests as she and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, left, walk through Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine,  Dec. 11, 2013.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office on Friday denounced Nuland’s remarks as “absolutely unacceptable” – a comment echoed by European Council president Herman Van Rompuy.

But Merkel toned down her comments on Saturday by telling reporters in the East German city of Erfurt the European Union “could not dream of a better partner than the US” on the Ukraine crisis.

“We want exactly the same thing for Ukraine,” she added.

The two sides’ woes were compounded when a second tape emerged on Friday showing two top EU diplomats angrily discussing their differences with Washington over possible sanctions against Ukrainian leaders for their rough handling of the protests.

EU officials are expected to discuss but not adopt such measures in Brussels on Monday.

US State Department spokesman Jen Psaki denied there was a rift between Washington and Brussels over Kiev while admitting that the situation was “complex”.

 Channel NewsAsia.

‘First British suicide bomber in Syria’ believed to have struck Aleppo prison – The Independent

picture of the suicide bomb driven by British citizen Abu Suleiman al-Britani into Aleppo prison

picture of the suicide bomb driven by British citizen Abu Suleiman al-Britani into Aleppo prison

A British man is thought to be the first suicide bomber from the UK to die in Syria, following a raid on a prison in the city of Aleppo.

The man, believed to be of Pakistani origin and only known by his pseudonym Abu Suleiman al-Britani, was believed to have had links with the with the Jabhat al-Nusra arm of al-Qa’ida.

Mr Britani would be the eighth Briton to die fighting in the three-year-long civil war, if reports by are confirmed.

A photo posted on Twitter by a senior professor at Kings College London, Shiraz Maher, allegedly shows the lorry driven by Mr Britani, with the black Jabhat al-Nusr flag draped over the top.

Mr Maher also tweeted claims that a foreign fighter had contacted him to confirm the bomber was Mr Britani.

The alleged attack comes after Cecilia Malmström, the EU’s Domestic Affairs Chief, warned in January that 1,200 citizens from the bloc are believed to be fighting in the war-torn country.

She claimed that the fighters were putting European governments at risk of more terror attacks at home unless they tackle growing the growing threat of extremism.

Four British fighters who had joined Syrian rebels also died in November last year, but were not involved in suicide attacks as Mr Britani is alleged to have been.